Egg Transfer :):):)

Yesterday was such an amazing day!

Our ET was scheduled for 11 so we headed to LBK bright & early. I was a spastic mess the entire drive. lol I could not sit still & we couldn’t get there fast enough!!! Poor Mitchell was calm & cool while I sat in the passenger seat chugging water & talking NON stop.

Once we got to LBK, my spastic-ness turned into full fledge nerves. My eyes automatically filled with tears once we hit the parking lot. I had written down a few bible verses & started reading them over & over.

We got to the doctors office & we had to wait a little while since we were early. Take into consideration that I have to have a FULL BLADDER during this procedure. It somehow makes it easier to see my uterus & moves everything else out of the way. So aside from anxiety & nerves, I am also doing the pee pee dance in the waiting room. *face palm*

Once the nurse was ready, we headed to the hospital part of UMC. This was the same room that my ER (egg retrieval) was done in & this is where are little embryos were.

Dr. Ahmad (embryologist) and Dr. Phy (my RE) were already there & ready to go. I got situated into my gown & Dr. Ahmad showed us the two embryos we were going to transfer on a screen. Of course I start crying. There they were. My future little babies. All round & perfect little blastocysts. He said they looked exactly how they were supposed to at a 5-day transfer. :):) Good job, kids!

The transfer itself wasn’t that painful, mostly due to my mind-erasing full bladder! They showed the process on a screen & I had to lay perfectly still the entire time. I layed there, staring at the screen, promising God that I would be a good mother. That I would love them unconditionally, no matter what! I cried the entire time. Mitchell & I held hands as we watched the little bubble go from the tube into my perfectly lined (according to my doctor) uterus. Mitchell was a God-send at the moment of all of this. He always knows how to make me smile & while laying on that table I fell more madly in love with my husband than I ever thought possible.

Now it is up to them. They have to implant & start growing. We have done everything by the book. Every shot. Every appointment. Every ultrasound. By. The. Book.  I have done so much research on how to have a successful implantation & we have done exactly what the experts suggest. Only God knows what the future holds. We will continue praying & trusting GOD. We will continue to give HIM all the glory.


I have also started taking Progesterone shots daily. They don’t suck, but I definitely don’t love them! 😉 This shot is supposed to help with implantation & maintaining pregnancy. I will gladly take these bad boys errrday! Other than progesterone shots, I am dwindling down on the medication. Thank goodness!

We won’t know anything until the 15th of Sept. We go back to LBK for a Beta test & these next 8 days are going to draggggg.

I got the update this morning on out other embryos. They were able to successfully freeze 8. 🙂 I am so happy with the way this all ended up & can’t wait for the next week. 



2 thoughts on “Egg Transfer :):):)

  1. Oh Ashlee this news is so happy to hear!! I pray everyday that this process works for you and Michael, I know you are loving and well deserving parents!! Prayers for you guys through the rest of this journey ❤️💙


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